We are the Social Club / Blog


The Social Club is so much more than just a shop and a salon. It is a thriving hive of talented and supportive bees! And by bees, we mean "people", of course. We love that everyone here has their own distinct personality and style. It's what keeps us inspired and flourishing! So because we dig our people so much, we want to introduce you to them. We'll start this series off by focusing on our amazing hair artist, Savannah!


Savannah is originally from Sacramento, California but has lived in Oklahoma long enough that she considers it home. She graduated from Paul Mitchell Cosmetology in 2012, having started her education there right out of high school. Her passion for hair really shines when she gets to do fun and vibrant colors but she's amazing with natural looking styles as well. She can do it all really. Here are a few of the many looks she knocked out of the park!

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She's a bit of a chameleon when it comes to her style--"One day I'll be as girly as girly can be and the next I'll be wearing all black everything with sneakers. I just like what I like!"



Her favorite movie is "Twister" (who doesn't love "Twister", right?....or maybe that's an Oklahoma thing?) and her celebrity crush when she was growing up was Bow Wow.

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When she's not making your hair look gorgeous, you can find her watching Netflix or playing with her dogs (actually, no you can't go find her, that's her personal time, and it would be weird if you went and found her doing those things outside of the salon, anyways, those are things she likes to do).


We love you Savannah! You rock!

Wanna book with Savannah? Call the Social Club front desk at 405-310-3388 and make your appointment!